General information

Tender for this project will be going out late 2024 with the intention that works will commence from December 2024 to April 2025, weather permitting. As such the ground will be closed during this time. Given Council has not received Tender applications this timeline will be updated on Conversations Merri-bek once received.

Yes, this open space will remain open and available for use during the upgrade works.

The construction is taking place on Cole Reserve, north reserve only.

There may be some access restrictions near the construction site. However, clear signage will be provided to guide users of the area.

Environmental considerations

The upgrade works will incorporate several environmentally friendly features:

Use of recycled materials where possible.

Upgrade of Irrigation system, and drainage system, including the introduction of a sand profile to better improve grass growing condition and increase ground hour usage for all.

Usage and accessibility

Yes, The south and west grounds at Cole Reserve will remain open and available for use throughout the construction period. We also encourage people to use KW Joyce Reserve, and Hallam reserve during this time.

While the ground works take place, sport activities and events typically held there will be temporarily relocated to other Merri-bek grounds or rescheduled. We will provide regular updates to minimise disruptions.

Safety is a top priority. The construction area will be clearly marked and fenced off to prevent unauthorised access. Signage will direct users safely around the site.

We will provide regular updates through our community newsletter, website, and social media channels. You can also contact our project team for specific enquiries.

Other common questions

: Cole Reserve is home to the Coburg Districts Football Club, and West Coburg St Andrews Cricket Club. In 2023 the Coburg Districts Football Club received $1.25 million from the Victorian Government towards Ground Drainage and sports field lighting upgrades.

Earlier in 2024 we also ran a community engagement for the introduction of the lighting upgrade works. This is currently in progress.

Officers commissioned an audit on the ground. The assessment of the oval condition was determined through several visual based agronomic criteria including Grass Cover, Vigour, Surface Evenness, Stability, Soil type, presence of weeds and Bare Areas. Rootzone material was extracted from the removed soil columns to be tested for nutrition and drainage rate. This report established its current condition and provided the scope to establish best practice options for rectification works and environmental improvements.

The new pitch will offer an improved surface for sport and the wider community use as well as assist in lowering maintenance costs, providing better playing conditions, and a reduced environmental impact through reduction of water use and the introduction of natural drainage efficiencies.

The project is fully funded by the Victorian State Government.

For more information, please contact our project coordinator
Nick Petrovski, Project Manager
Phone: 039240 2400