Merri-bek City Council wants to continue to boost the local economy during the festive season through the Christmas Decorations Program in our three major activity centres: Brunswick, Coburg and Glenroy.

As the existing Decorations contract is due to expire on 30 June 2025, we are reaching out to local businesses and business associations to hear your views about the current program format and ideas for its future improvement.

The updated program will be launched over the festive season in 2025.

We want to hear from traders and business associations in Brunswick, Coburg and Glenroy about the type of decorations they like most and least, whether we should introduce new types of decorations, e.g. decorative festive window painting, and their thoughts on a potential new location in the Glenroy Activity Centre for an illuminated decoration display similar to the current display on to the former Library building.

We are collecting your feedback until 12 January 2024.

Get Involved

There are a few ways you can share your thoughts about the Christmas Decorations Program and provide us with your feedback:

  • Chat to us in person or email us

    You can visit us at Coburg Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg.

    Or email the project officer:

    Mira Mustafa

    Project Support Officer

  • Join us for a walk

    More details to be shared soon

  • Types of decorations Council should continue using
  • Types of decorations Council should stop using
  • New location for the illuminated decorations in Glenroy
  • Introduction of new types of decorations (such as window painting) to the Program
  • Whether the Program should be continued as is or would it be preferable to focus the decorations within smaller but more distinctive and memorable ‘pocket celebration areas’.
  • Theme and the existence of the program
  • Locations of the program (only in the three major activity centres: Brunswick, Coburg and Glenroy)
  • Delivery budget.

What happens next

Your feedback will be used to inform the type and extent of decorations within Merri-bek’s three major activity centres and to assist us in developing contract specifications and criteria for new supplier(s).

Once we analyse your feedback, we will undertake a procurement process to appoint a new supplier.

The refreshed Christmas Decorations Program will be launched in December 2025.