Recent improvements to the park

How great does Charles Mutton Reserve look! The Fawkner reserve has recently has a series of upgrades.

  • A new mural: Thank-you to artists Abbey Rich and Olana Janfa for the piece which celebrates the diverse community of Fawkner.
  • A brand new playground: We kept the popular clatter bridge in the play tower, but we’ve added exciting climbing obstacles. Come on down and test your ninja warrior skills.
  • Shelters and picnic tables

The old stone retaining wall between the running track and the oval has been removed and replaced with new stairs, seating walls and garden beds.

New stairs at Charles Mutton Reserve

Part of implementing a wider plan

We are making other minor improvements to the park, all of which relate to implementing the Charles Mutton Reserve Precinct Plan. This plan was created after consultation with the community in 2018.

Upcoming works

Concept design work has now been completed on Tyrrell Crescent kerb re-alignment with an engineer engaged to explore Water Sensitive Urban Design options. Once an approach has been agreed upon, construction drawings will be completed and works tendered.

Tyrrell Crescent existing condition

The current edge of Charles Mutton Reserve along Tyrrell Crescent is a poor interface with no footpath or cycling lanes and no tree planting. The plan aims to formalise the parking bays and provide a separated shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. Tree planting will be provided and supported by water harvesting from the road surface which works to both remove pollution and increase tree growth.
Tyrrell Crescent kerb realignment

Charles Mutton Precinct Plan works