
Revitalising Coburg - the conversation continues

7 May 2024

A big thank you to the more than 1,300 people who took part in this first phase of The Coburg Conversation!

We have gained a wealth of insight about what matters most for the future of the area.

What we heard

There was a lot of enthusiasm about the potential for change in central Coburg.

Here's some of the key things we heard you wanted to see in the area's future:

Here are some of the key things we heard you wanted to see in Coburg’s future...

  • Enthusiasm about potential for change in central Coburg
  • A welcoming, accessible and multipurpose library that is a place for refuge, connection, culture and life-long learning
  • A strong desire for trees and greenery, and greening of public spaces
  • Better, safer, more pleasant journeys in and around the centre
  • The importance of environmental performance and sustainability
  • Flexible public and gathering spaces that provide different opportunities for respite, play and social connection
  • Excellence in design and sense of place
  • Desire for more variety in local shops and businesses, including night-time economy
  • High-quality housing that is available to a wide variety of people, including those on low incomes

What we did

The feedback we received, together with our Community Vision and Council’s strategies and policies, forms the basis of a paper called Revitalising Coburg.

Revitalising Coburg contains 6 objectives that relate to key headlines that we heard through the engagement program and will guide our future plans for the area.

Objectives of Revitalising Coburg

Next steps

The objectives allow us to move into more detailed investigations, including spatial considerations, funding and delivery models, and partnership arrangements.

The Coburg Conversation will continue as the program unfolds. Follow The Coburg Conversation on Conversations Merri-bek for updates.

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